Half Off Basic Trademark Application Package from Fargo Patent & Business Law
- The firm is comprised of experience attorneys specializing in business and patent law
- Over 10 years experience working with start-ups and small businesses
- Basic Trademark Filing $1,500 plus filing fees
- Includes:
- USPTO Preliminary search
- Specimen review
- Response to non-substantive office
actions - Up to 1 classification with up to 4
subclassifications - 20 minute strategy call with attorney
- Correspondence throughout prosecution
- Additional classes are $500 plus filing
The Fine Print
- Call to schedule a confidential meeting
- Does not include responses to office actions, responses to disputes, assignments, or other work outside drafting and filing
- Filing fees are paid separately (estimated $250 for a TEAS Plus application for 1 classification)
- Client must sign standard representation agreement
- No attorney-client relationship is established until a conflict check and a standard representation agreement is signed
- In the event an attorney-client relationship cannot be established due to a conflict, the coupon will be refunded
- Limit 1 per service
- Promotional Value Expires 7/17/25
- Paid Value Does Not Expire
- Not redeemable for cash
- Cannot be combined with other offers
- No credit for unused amount, must redeem in 1 visit
Trademarking is just good business – it can be easy and can ensure that your hard work and brand are protected. Contact Fargo Patent & Business Law today. When you're starting a new business, you have many different decisions to make. Have the peace of mind that Fargo Patent & Business Law, experienced trademark attorneys are handling your matter.
$750 Dollar Trademark Application Package ($1500 dollar value)
If you're a small business owner, and you've held back from addressing your legal work, now is the time! Fargo Patent & Business Law's attorneys have extensive experience across trademarks, patents, and other business matters. Get all of your questions answered today, don't hesitate to give Fargo Patent & Business Law a call to set up a free consultation at (701)-566-1979.
2605 42nd St S, Suite 100, Fargo, ND 58104